I have had the most unproductive last two days. 

Those kind of days where the only thing you can remember doing is eating and going to bed- because that's the most productive thing you've done.

I just looked into the mirror and my angry conscience cooly stared back and simply said:
"You lazy little shit." 

To make myself feel better about these wasted two days I decided to finish my personal statement by tonight. Microsoft word has now been open for the past two hours without any changes. 
But at least now I'm acquainted with the different types of roofs japanese traditional homes had, who composed the music for the Lord of the Rings (Howard Shore you are so great) and all the different ways you can cook an egg.

Oh procrastination how I love you so. 

I should also really update my new project's blog.. (On third brief now, joint project with person from another tutor group) but... ehh................................... 


(To be fair, I have written my personal statement.. it just happens to be 2000 characters over the limit.. and still ongoing..)

1 comment:

  1. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb3ar3ouuu1rhkrnbo1_500.gif
    LOVE that feeling :)
