I feel pretty submerged by school right now..
And the rest of my life is pretty busy too.
The rate at which I add things to my already very long To-Do list is much faster than the rate I complete them.. if I ever do!
But must trudge on anyway :)
I finished applying to Foundation Courses at last!
Haven't hear back yet but fingers crossed!
I made a flickr account and uploaded most of my A-level art work on there.
Made me realise how little drawings I do are for myself (none).
I was planning on uploading a few pictures of stuff I did too.. but (maybe a sudden lost of confidence) I really couldn't choose any which I thought were worth putting up!
New challenge (to be completed never-maybe) :
Upload a drawing/painting I did, by myself, which I am proud of and which I like.
Shouldn't be too difficult?
HEY ne laisse pas tomber tout ça! it's great and I pretty much enjoy reading through a LOT! And i would really like to have a look at that promised painting;) +access to your Flickr account:)Keep posting!!